Self defense for women














Self defense for women

The course is designed to give you the opportunity to learn and practise how to deal confidently with (potentially) dangerous situations in a safe atmosphere. In addition to general information on violence prevention and violence in partnerships and close relationships, you will learn the first physical defence techniques from Krav Maga. We will look at the role that communication and the ability to set boundaries play in everyday life and how important this knowledge is in conflict situations. But what are techniques if you don't have any specific situations? To round off the course, we will discuss some example situations at the end to apply and consolidate what we have learnt.

What can I do if I myself or someone I know has experienced violence? What contact points are there in Landau and at the university? We will address these and similar questions and discuss options for possible aftercare following violent situations.

If you have already experienced violence or assaultive situations and are unsure whether the course content is suitable for you, you are welcome to contact us in advance via the following e-mail address: m.scheffel(at)

Note: The content of the course is split over two days and builds on each other. Anyone wishing to attend day 2 should therefore also have attended day 1.  

Target group: The course is aimed exclusively at female RPTU students. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced students. No previous knowledge is required.

What do you need to bring? Please come to the course well equipped with sportswear (including sneakers!) and something to drink.

Infos über die Übungsleitenden

Rosa Arato

6th semester Master of Education

Graduations certified by the RSC:

Full Instructor Black Belt 1st DAN

Krav Maga RSC - Safe Aggression Management Security Instructor

Maria Scheffel

4rd semester Master of Clinical Psychology

Certified first aider for mental health (MHFA certification by the ZI Mannheim)

Regular training at Krav Maga Landau


When: 28.06. 14-16:30 & 29.06. 14:30-17

Where: Sports hall Campus LD

Note: The content of the course is split over two days and builds on each other. If you would like to take part in day 2, you should also have attended day 1.  

Target group: The course is aimed exclusively at female RPTU students. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced students. No previous knowledge is required.

What do you need to bring? Please come to the course well equipped with sportswear (including trainers!) and something to drink.

The course content is identical to the content of the course in January 2024.