Long sword fencing Multilevel Workshop













Long sword fencing Multilevel Workshop

Whether Lord of the Rings, Kingdom of Heaven, The Witcher or Game of Thrones: The Long Sword usually plays a leading role. The Long Sword is one of the most complex, but also one of the most fascinating weapons of European fencing of the late Middle Ages and early modern times. The aim of the workshop will be to let you share in this fascination and to deepen the basics you have already learned.
It will be shown how you can move the sword economically and, above all, how you can move with the sword, classic tactical behavior in combat and how you can go from defense to attack again. A small historical background to fencing with the long sword and an outlook on advanced techniques is also given.


material is given

meetingpoint ath the Unisporthalle




Date: 20.-21.07.2024

Time: 10:00 bis 14:00