Tickets & Pricing















Tickets & Pricing

All tickets and access authorizations for Peak 17 can only be booked online in the ZSGW Web-App!

All cards only devalue with use. Buy a card today and use it on the next nice day!

Which tariff applies to you?

Our admission prices are divided into tariff groups. You can find out which group you belong to here:

Tariff group A (Peak 17)

Students at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

DAV members of a section that is a member of the DAV regional association Rhineland-Palatinate

Tariff A 
day pass8,50 €
11 entries85 ,- €
Annual pass272 ,-€


Tariff group B (Peak 17)

Employees of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, employees of cooperating institutions, students from other universities, trainees, FSJ, BFD, pupils, people with disabilities (from 50% severely disabled), pensioners

Tariff B 
day pass11 ,-€
11 entries110 ,-€
annual pass352 ,-€


Tariff groupC (Peak 17)

All other persons who cannot be assigned to the previous groups.

Tariff  C 
day pass12,50 €
11 entries125 ,-€
annual pass400 ,-€


Tariff children (Peak 17)

Children and young people under the age of 18 (FAQ children Peak 17).

Tariff children and young people 
day pass6 ,-€
11 entries60 ,-€
annual pass192 ,-€

Verification of your status group

RPTU members
IMPORTANT: RPTU students and staff must log in with their RHRZ access to verify their status.

DAV members
All members of a DAV section belonging to the DAV regional association Rhineland-Palatinate belong to tariff group A. To confirm the DAV Stauts, a picture of the DAV ID must be uploaded to the ZSGW web app portal.

Tariff B
To verify your eligibility for tariff B, upload the relevant certificate to the ZSGW Web-App portal.

Must be created as a child in a parent's ZSGW web app account. Parents must purchase the card for their children.