FAQ: How To Peak 17









FAQ: How To Peak 17

You want to use “Peak 17”, the climbing tower at RPTU - but are wondering how it all works? Who, where, what, when and why?

Don't worry! We've answered a lot of questions for you here. If you have any further questions or anything is unclear, you can contact our team at any time. Just send us an email to unisport-peak17(at)rptu.de and we will try to help you as quickly as possible.

See you soon at UNISPORT at “Peak 17”!

Opening hours and operation

You can find the current opening hours on the dedicated website "opening hours".

Staff are only on site during service hours. Information on opening and service times can be found on this page.

There are no changing rooms or showers on the site, so come to the tower “ready to climb”.

Unfortunately, we do not have lockers for valuables on the premises.

As the tower is also a national training centre for sport climbing, it is regularly rebuilt due to the regional and national competitions that take place. We also aim to offer new routes every quarter for the general public. Whether climbing is possible during the re-bolting depends on the extent of the re-bolting activities. For competitions, the tower is completely (max. 24 days per year) or partially closed (also max. 22 days per year) before and after the competition for route building. In the case of small competitions and regular re-climbing activities, we endeavour to carry these out at off-peak times or to close only individual wall segments. We do our best to reduce closures to the necessary minimum.

You can view the current capacity in the ZSGW WebApp. During the core opening times, the entire tower (excluding the speed wall) is available for climbing, and with 42 anchor points there is room for many rope teams. During the parallel use time with our partners from HHG and DAV Landesverband RLP, a maximum of 20 additional people can climb on the tower. During this time, the partners' athletes have the right to choose routes.

How does the entry process work?

Tickets are only available via our ZSGW Web-App.

All information on admission costs can be found on the dedicated Tickets & Pricing page. Discounts are available for DAV members whose section is a member of the RLP state association, more details can also be found on the Tickets & Pricing page.

Yes, we have 11-entry tickets, you pay for ten entries and get the eleventh for free. Season tickets are available in the form of annual tickets. You can set the start date in the web app, payment must be made in advance.

Climbing on the tower is only possible with the necessary knowledge of rope and safety techniques. Unisport offers its own courses (indoor and outdoor), which you can find on our website under camps and workshops. However, you can also acquire the necessary basics from the diverse course programme of the German Alpine Club.

During service hours, you can also spend time at Peak 17 without a ticket if you are not climbing yourself. Outside service times, free admission is only available to parents or guardians who are responsible for their children or who are belaying them and not climbing independently.

Our tickets are single-entry tickets and are ‘’validated‘’ when you enter the climbing tower area, so it is no problem to buy a ticket and use it on another day.

If you have any problems with your booking, please contact our IT support team at zsgw-it(at)rptu.de. If you have any problems with payment, please contact our payment partner Procampus (info(at)procampus.de). You can pay via the shop using PayPal, credit card (authorised for online purchases) and Giropay.

Unfortunately this is not possible, the purchase of tickets of any kind is only possible via our ZSGW Web-App.

Unfortunately, for technical reasons, it is not possible to enter and leave the site several times in one day for single tickets and 11-ticket entries. This is of course possible with annual tickets.

The tower has a roof overhang that makes it possible to climb in the rain, but if the wind gets too strong, it may be that only the strongly overhanging wall areas facing away from the wind can be climbed dry. Please note: For safety reasons, climbing on the tower is not permitted during thunderstorms.

During competitions, the tower is reserved for participants in the competition. However, there are also events where climbing is permitted; you can find more details in the respective event description.

Children/young people

Minors up to the age of 16 may only use the climbing facility under the supervision of a parent or guardian or another person of legal age to whom the duty of supervision has been transferred; the written declaration of consent of the parent or guardian (ZSGW form) must be submitted before use. It is the responsibility of the supervisors and legal guardians to ensure that the persons entrusted to them comply with these rules of use. The supervisor is strictly prohibited from using the climbing facility independently for climbing if they have been granted free access to the facility to supervise a person under their care. Securing the person under protection is permitted.

Minors over the age of 16 may use the climbing facility unaccompanied by a parent or guardian, provided they present a written declaration of consent from their parent or guardian (ZSGW form) and have the necessary safety skills. The declaration must be completed in full, signed, uploaded to the ZSGW web app user account and verified.

We do not currently offer any courses for children/young people, but these are planned. As soon as we are ready, we will inform you on our website.

Everything about equipment and safety:

There is currently no equipment hire available.

No, the tower is fully equipped with quickdraws and anchors.

When using the climbing facility, ropes with a minimum length of 50 metres must be used. It is not permitted to traverse more than three lines of quickdraws.

The use of self-belay devices is only permitted in the presence of supervisory staff. Furthermore, use is reserved for persons who have received explicit instruction in the self-belay device to be used and who have the necessary knowledge and experience of the safety techniques and measures to be used when climbing. As a partner check in the conventional sense is not possible with self-belay devices, correct clipping in must be checked independently. Where possible, the four-eyes principle should always be applied. Users are obliged to carry out a function check before each use by triggering the belay mechanism after a fall of 2.5 metres. If this is carried out correctly, the auto belay can be used until the user is untied.

Only standard-compliant PSA (engl.: personal protective equipment) in accordance with the relevant EN may be used with the system. This must be within its service life and utilisation interval. Wear limits must not be exceeded. If dynamic belay devices are used, they must also be within their service life and useful life and free from sharp edges, burrs or other damage.

A safety certificate is not necessary. If you want to climb the tower, you must confirm that you know the ‘Climbing rules at the climbing facility of the RPTU in Kaiserslautern’ and can act in accordance with them. People who are unable to follow these rules safely must first attend a course.

Footholds, handholds and belay points may not be newly attached, modified or removed. Artificial climbing holds can become loose or break at any time. Please report any loose holds or footholds and other damage to our staff immediately.

I still have unanswered questions or comments...

We are happy to answer any questions. First have a look at the FAQ's, if you still have questions, please contact unisport-peak17(at)rptu.de.

Footholds, handholds and belay points may not be newly attached, modified or removed. Artificial climbing holds can become loose or break at any time. Please report any loose holds or footholds and other damage to our staff immediately.

We are always looking for supporters in the area of route construction, for the organisation of children's birthday parties and the like, if you are interested please contact unisport-peak17(at)rptu.de.

Commercial use of the climbing facility is only permitted with special authorisation from the operator. There is no entitlement to this.


You can find all the information on this page.