Sleep tipps














Sleep tipps

We have collected a few tips for you that can help you improve your sleep patterns:

1. Take advantage of the current situation, in which the possibilities to be out in the evening are limited, to optimize your sleep rhythm and observe if you notice any changes in your sleep quality. To do this, try to make your sleep times as consistent as possible by going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time for a few days/weeks.

2. Move during the day, preferably in the fresh air. Try not to do strenuous activities too close to bedtime, but at least three hours before.

3. Try to keep your sleeping place quiet. Just use being home a lot to fix your bed that has been squeaking for months. Earplugs may also help if you live on a noisy street or near train tracks.

4. You sleep best when the temperature in your (sleeping) room is between 16 & 18 degrees Celsius.

5. Try to avoid stimulating drinks (energy drinks, coffee, black tea). Especially you should avoid them in the evening hours.

6. It may be easier for you to fall asleep if you have not eaten a rich meal beforehand. Your gastrointestinal tract will have to work less and your body will be able to relax better.   

7. Certain sleep rituals can help you to prepare your body for sleep and thus make it easier for you to fall asleep. For example, it can become your ritual to drink a herbal tea, then go to the bathroom and turn off the lights everywhere and write down briefly what you are grateful for. Your body will understand this after a while as a signal that it is now time to shut down and relax. You can also try certain breathing techniques and use them as a ritual, for example 4-7-8 breathing.

8. As a student, you sometimes spend a lot of time in bed during the day, as you often only have one room available. Nevertheless, try not to stay in bed all day, but to sleep in it if possible. For example, you can work at your desk or go for a walk to make a phone call. This way your body will associate the bed with sleep after a while and it will be easier to fall asleep.

9. If you can't sleep, try to get out of bed and do something else. For example, you can read a book, do a crossword puzzle or paint. The important thing is that the activity has a relaxing character.

10. Especially when you have slept very badly at night, it is difficult to skip the nap. However, try to sleep only at night and not during the day. The goal is to be so tired in the evening that no thoughts can keep you awake. If you can't do without your nap, try to keep it as short as possible. It can be helpful not to lie down, but just to rest your head on the table. A study shows that a 10-minute nap has more positive effects than a 20- or 30-minute nap.

11. Try to avoid alcohol, especially as a sleep aid. While alcohol can help you fall asleep, it severely impairs your ability to sleep through the night. Drink a sleeping tea instead, even if it sounds less cool ;)

You should also avoid nicotine if possible, as studies have shown that it also has a negative impact on sleep quality.

Have fun trying them out and we hope the tips help you. Sleep well!

Dos and Don'ts


Small meals

Tryptophan-containing foods (tuna, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and hazelnuts, egg, buckwheat, ...) increase melatonin formation and thus promote falling asleep

Sleep-promoting herbal teas (e.g. valerian, lavender and St. John's wort)

Regular physical activity increases well-being and makes the body more tired

Complete exercise session three hours before bedtime (Body temperature rises during exercise and takes time to drop. A low body temperature makes it easier to fall asleep & stay asleep).

Read, listen to soothing music, take a relaxing bath or do yoga

4-7-8 breathing technique or other techniques

optimal room temperature is 16 - 18°C with a humidity of 40 - 60%

Sunlight and daylight make it easier for you to start the day

Fixed bedtime and wake-up times promote a constant sleep-wake rhythm, which improves the quality of your sleep. Therefore, you should stick to them every day of the week.


Melatonin is the so-called sleep hormone, which controls the day and night rhythm




Heavy (potatoes, raw vegetables, bacon, ...) or spicy dinner.

Coffee, black/green tea, alcohol (remain in the body for 3 to 5 hours and can affect sleep)

Midday nap should be avoided

Do not perform activities with high mental or physical demands in the evening

Perform daily activities out of bed (e.g. study at desk to facilitate sleep-wake rhythm)

Artificial light, especially light with high blue light content messes up your biorhythm (fact: blue light can even suppress melatonin production through your closed eyes!)

Avoid screens in the evening or turn them off at least one hour before going to bed.