Mental Health First Aid Landau














Mental Health First Aid Landau

Dear students,

We are a team of students who have been trained as student mental health first aiders. Through the "Mental Health First Aid" training, we want to create an important contact point from students for students and, as the first contact person, make a significant contribution to early recognition, education and connection to a professional help system.

If you are not feeling well and need help, please send us an email to campusplus-mhfa-ld(at)

Here you can go to the homepage and find out under office hours when and where you can get in touch with us personally. 

Your team from Mental Health First Aid!


In our profiles you will find brief information about us, such as our name, course of study, our motivation for the MHFA training and our own experience in this field.


What: Help related to your mental health from students. 

When: Open office hours and appointments by appointment via campusplus-mhfa-ld(at)

Consulting hours

You can't find a suitable date? Feel free to write us an email via campusplus-mhfa-ld(at)

Sophia Storck

Projektkoordination CampusPlus

Campus Landau

Telefon: + 49 (0) 631 280 - 37114

E-Mail: sophia.storck(at)