Mental Health Awareness Week














Mental Health Awareness Week

Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. It contributes to our quality of life and our general Wellbeing. It is important for leading a fulfilling life and realizing our full potential. It also has an impact on our social environment. The better our mental health, the better we can maintain harmonious relationships and resolve conflicts. We are also able to perform better at work, are more resistant to stress and are better able to deal with challenges. As our mental health can have a direct impact on our physical health, for example in the form of high blood pressure or heart disease, it is particularly important to pay attention to it.

Every year in November, CampusPlus organizes the Mental Health Awareness Week to draw attention to the importance of mental health.
Below you will find the program from 2024.



Do you sometimes hesitate to tackle things? Do you feel overwhelmed by the challenges of your studies? In this informative lecture, you will learn how to successfully overcome crises and regain your inner strength. Learn to understand your fears and turn them into positive power!

After the 45-minute lecture, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session, you will have the opportunity to work on individual solutions and master personal challenges in our 20-minute one-to-one speed coaching sessions.

Focus of content:

  • Stress management for the hot phases of your studies
  • Overcoming exam nerves
  • Overcoming procrastination

Date: 25.11.24

Time: 13:00-13:45 (lecture); 14:00-17:00 (individual coaching sessions of 20 minutes each)

Location: Gymnastics room, Unisport

Sign up

The info market in Building 46 offers you the opportunity to get to know various
institutions, including those from the University of Kaiserslautern, which
can serve as a point of contact in stressful situations and support you with mental
problems. Café TUK TUK invites you to a delicious coffee
and a cozy get-together. Also present are:

  • Café TUK TUK
  • Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research
  • Campus Pastoral Care
  • ZIDiS
  • Individual stress type assessment(09:30-16:00 - registration required)
  • Mental Health First Aid Team / Awareness Team
  • Psychological Counseling Center

Date: 26.11.24

Time: 11:00-14:30

Location: Foyer 46

Sign in

Dancing together to music has been proven to strengthen mental health, because it promotes a sense of community and reduces stress. That's exactly why we want to rehearse a line dance with you in this course and dance together to have fun and simply clear your head.

Date: 27.11.24

Time: 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Location: Multifunctional room, Unisport

Sign up

Yoga is the perfect way to calm down, let go of stress and clear your head. The gentle exercises help us to find our center, improve our concentration and develop a good body awareness. And don't worry - you don't have to have any yoga experience to take part. We do everything together and find relaxation step by step.

Date: 27.11.24

Time: 15:30 - 17:00

Location: Multifunctional room, Unisport

Sign up

Healthy and relaxed through everyday student life - resilience makes it possible! In
this interactive workshop, you can discover your personal resilience
strengths and abilities. With practical exercises from everyday life and by working
in small groups, you will learn how to use various protective factors in a targeted way,
to better master challenges in your studies and everyday life and to stay healthy
and confident.

  • Introduction to the topic of resilience
  • In-depth study of resilience factors as protective mechanisms against stress and psychological strain
  • Which stressors and resilience factors play a special role in everyday student life?
  • How can I use resilience specifically for myself?
  • How can I train resilience factors effectively?


Starting a degree course is associated with many new challenges for all "beginners": a changed daily rhythm, self-organization of the daily routine and study schedule, expectations from lecturers and family, daily confrontation with new learning content, examinations, tests and the pressure of having to provide respectable proof of academic achievement. And then perhaps having to earn your own living - all of this takes an enormous amount of energy. In order to get through your studies successfully and healthily, we prepare you in this training course to meet the new requirements and set the course for a successful start.


  • Motivating yourself: clarifying your own expectations, knowing your learning/study goals
  • Dealing with fellow students, lecturers and professors - business etiquette
  • Using targeted verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Time management: completing upcoming tasks on time
  • Dealing with difficult situations such as exam pressure, criticism, excessive demands, mistakes

Depression occurs in various life circumstances. Statistically, around one in five people will be diagnosed with depression in their lifetime. How do I recognize symptoms in myself during my studies? How do I recognize symptoms in relatives and friends in other phases of life? What can I do to support people diagnosed with depression and how can I seek help myself quickly and effectively? These questions will be addressed and answered as best as possible in a 45-minute presentation.

Yin yoga is a gentle, meditative practice that focuses on holding positions for long periods of time. It helps to reduce stress and calm the mind. The course is suitable for all levels of experience. Discover how Yin Yoga strengthens your inner balance and leads to more serenity in everyday life. Wear comfortable, not too tight clothes. You are also welcome to bring a warm sweater and thick socks.

In the movie, a chaotic team of joy, sorrow, anger, fear and disgust try to navigate a girl's life

In the workshop, we look at the pressure of having to make the "right" decision when you have doubts about your studies. How can I deal with this? What can help? What strategies are there? There will be some input and space to exchange ideas.

Come along on a mindful walk through Landau, meet new people and collect a few steps along the way.
The walk ends at the ZSGW-Weihnachtszauber.

When is too much TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, video games, streaming too much? How often and how much can you be online before it becomes pathological? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, then the workshop on online addiction is the right place for you. We will reflect together on our online behavior and compare this with the addiction criteria of the latest classification (ICD-11). And of course, the whole thing is completely value-neutral and unbiased. The workshop is aimed at anyone who is curious and interested, regardless of how often they are online. The workshop leader is an experienced psychologist who has worked in an addiction clinic for a long time and provides many helpful insights.

In this yoga class, we approach the exercises mindfully and at a slow pace so that you can really feel and intensely experience the movements. Through gentle stretches and conscious breathing, we release tension and create space for inner peace and Wellbeing. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a cozy blanket to make yourself comfortable during the relaxing phases. The course is suitable for all levels of experience.

Who doesn't admire people who remain stable, optimistic and healthy despite prolonged stress, severe setbacks or serious crises? Their secret? Their resilience. It is the psychological resilience that develops individually over the course of a lifetime. Did you know that it can be specifically trained and therefore also specifically promoted? It is therefore in your own hands to improve your resilience. In this training session, you will learn how resilience is created: you will look at your own stress levels and get ideas on how you can activate your own resources and strengthen your individual resilience in the long term.


  • The resilience model: what makes us resilient?
  • The 7 most important resilience factors
  • Analysis of your own stress levels
  • Acceptance of crises and negative feelings
  • Solution orientation instead of problem thinking
  • The importance of networks: support through relationships
  • Optimistic thinking
  • Objectively evaluating failures
  • Recognizing your own self-worth
  • Identifying professional and personal strengths

Take an evening just for yourself and get back to the essentials. Experience the combination of flowing yoga movements and gentle meditation to help you find inner peace. Finally, we invite you to round off the evening with a relaxing cup of tea. (No yoga experience required!)


When: November 2025

What: Actions and events on the topic of mental health

Costs: None!

Literature on the topic

Are you interested in the topic of mental health? You will find suitable topic tables in your university library in Kaiserslautern. Come by and have a look

Psychotage in Landau

Are you interested in gaining an insight into the diversity of the various fields of application of psychology? Then take a look here :)


Diana Neben (Kaiserslautern)


Tel: (0631) 205-3444


Sophia Storck (Landau)

Mail: sophia.storck(at)

Tel: (0) 6341 280-37114

Image and sound recordings


Interview Bipolar disorder: German

Interview Bipolar Disorder: English


Interview Borderline: German

Interview Borderline: English

Interview Depression #1: German

Interview Depression #1: English

Interview Depression #2: German

Interview Depression #2: English

Interview eating disorder: German

Interview eating disorder: English