Become a lifesaver and get typed! We are bringing the Stefan Morsch Foundation, the first German stem cell donor center, to campus in May. You will have the opportunity to find out all about the topic and can register as a stem cell donor on site. In an emergency, you can save the life of a person suffering from leukemia by donating stem cells. In Germany alone, around 3,500 patients are diagnosed with leukemia every year and are dependent on a stem cell transplant. If YOU get typed, you increase the chance that a person affected by leukemia will find a suitable donor.
How does the typing process work?
It's that simple: Drop by the foundation's information stand, fill out the consent form and give a saliva sample - that's it!
Is typing free of charge?
Typing is free of charge for anyone between the ages of 16 and 40. Minors need the consent of a parent or guardian.
Who can be typed?
In principle, anyone aged 18 or over can register as a stem cell donor. The more people who are typed, the greater the chance of finding a suitable stem cell donor.
I am already typed as a stem cell donor at DKMS, do I have to be typed again at the Stefan-Morsch-Stiftung?
If you have already been typed at DKMS or another stem cell donor center, you do not need to register again, as all donor data is pseudonimized and forwarded to the Central Bone Marrow Donor Registry Germany (ZKRD).
Diana Neben (Kaiserslautern)
Tel: (0631) 205-3444
Sophia Storck (Landau)
Mail: sophia.storck(at)
Tel: (06341) 280-37114