Contact and opening hours

Unisport Landau

Opening hours

Lecture period

Mon - Fri: 16:00 - 22:00
Sat & Sun: Closed
Public holiday: Closed

Lecture-free period

Mon - Thu: 18:00 - 21:30
Fri - Sun: Closed
Public holiday: Closed

The multifunctional court on the outdoor facilities can be used on weekdays from 16:00 (lecture period) or 18:00 (lecture-free period) during the summer semester.

The sports hall and gymnastics hall are only open for courses and events, but not for free use.

Use of the UNISPORT facilities is only possible with valid access authorization (Sportscard Landau).

Sports facilities LandauCards and Subscriptions

Contact us


Westring 2
76829 Landau in der Pfalz

Ground floor, Room W006

Office hours by appointment

Tel.: (06341) 280-31108
Mail: unisport-ld(at)



Sports facilities

Fortstraße 7
76829Landau in der Pfalz
Buildings A I & A IV
Multifunctional pitch

Specific contacts

Outdoor sports camps:



Lost and found office

Have you left something behind during sports?
We collect what we find or what is handed in to us in our "lost and found office".

The Unisport service team will be happy to help you during our opening hours. Outside of opening hours, you can contact our hall attendant O. Paul on 0170 2027705.