Partner university of elite sport


Contact person


Felix Jacob (f.jacob(at)


Partner school of elite sport

Achieving top sporting performance is very time-consuming, exhausting and at the same time something to be admired! Studying in addition to top-class sport is a feat that requires support.

Since 2006, the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau has been part of the "Partner University of Elite Sports" project with the aim of supporting top athletes from the region. The student athletes are to be supported in mastering the double burden of top-class sport and sport and helped through concrete measures.

Unisport serves as a central point of contact and support for challenges in everyday student life. In individual cases, measures and support options are to be offered to ensure the compatibility of studies and elite sport.

Who is actually a top athlete? Do you need squad status? These and other questions are best discussed directly with us if you are interested. Please contact Felix Jacob or the competition team.

The services provided by the RPTU for top athletes include
  • Provision of personal mentors who provide support with individual study advice and in cases of conflict.
  • Flexibilization of study planning on the basis of sports planning over the entire duration of studies
  • Offer part-time studies
  • Use of the university sports facilities and equipment

Further information, additional services of the project, contractual provisions, etc. can be found on the website of the German University Sports Association