A standard glass contains 10 to 12 grams of pure alcohol. This is contained in the following drinks, for example:
- 0.25 l beer (5 % by volume)
- 0.33 l shandy (2.5% by volume)
- 0.1 l wine (11% by volume)
- 0.1 l sparkling wine (11% by volume)
- 1 shot (38% by volume)
Women should not consume more than 12 grams of pure alcohol per day, i.e. no more than one standard glass of alcohol per day, in order to stay within the low-risk range. Men can consume twice as much per day, e.g. 0.5 l of beer or two shots. Both sexes should also abstain from alcohol on at least 2 days a week so that their alcohol consumption does not become a habit.
If the above values are exceeded, i.e. if women regularly drink more than one standard glass per day and men more than two standard glasses, this is considered risky consumption, which can develop into harmful consumption and even alcohol dependence. Even risky consumption can cause permanent damage to health. Excessive alcohol consumption can affect the liver, brain, skin or cardiovascular system, for example. You can find out more detailed information about the consequences with the body map from kenn-dein-limit.info.