- The use of digital media continues to increase.
- Both the degree of digitalization in the workplace and the imbalance between the demands and skills required to use digital technologies are leading to digital stress.
- Digital stress is most pronounced among 25 to 34-year-olds.
- The most frequently used digital technology is email.
UHR results 2021
- 40.5% of TUK students report a high level of stress.
- The proportion of students experiencing high levels of stress is significantly higher among female students at TUK compared to male students at TUK (46.9% vs. 35.3%).
- Most students associate stress with their studies: Time pressure, pressure to perform and excessive demands (as of 2016).
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Image source: https: //pixabay.com/de/photos/iphone-smartphone-technologie-916399/
Blaszcyk, W., Lesener, T., Müller, J., Neben, D., Sprenger, M., Dastan, B., Diering, L.-E., Jochmann, A., Juchem, C., Stammkötter, K., Stauch, M., Wolter, C., & Gusy, B. (2022). How healthy are students at the University of Kaiserslautern? Results of the survey 06/21 (Publication series of the AB Public Health: Prevention and Psychosocial Health Research: No. 04/P21). Berlin: Free University of Berlin.
Kaluza, G. (2007) Gelassen und sicher im Stress (3rd, ed.). Springer.
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Lohmann-Haislah, A. (2012). 2012 Stress Report Germany: Psychological demands, resources and well-being. Berlin: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Image source: https: //pixabay.com/de/photos/frau-verzweifelt-traurig-tränen-1006100/