Apps & Podcasts














Apps & Podcasts

There are times when it's hard to overcome your inner pig. It is then that we find it particularly difficult to motivate ourselves for sport or atkive and deliberate exercise. Another hurdle, especially for beginners and those who want to get active again after a long break, is the level of knowledge. AppStores offer a variety of apps that come with many promises. We would like to help you find the app that suits you best and that will help you overcome your inner obstacle. That's why we've tested various apps for you and present our assessment here.

Would you like to fill the time you spend scrubbing the flat share, cooking or driving to friends with meaningful content and at the same time deal with the topic of exercise in more detail? We've listened in on a few podcasts for you and tell you what we liked about them and who they're particularly suitable for. Maybe there's a good podcast tip for you, too!


Adidas Runtastic Running App

Are you looking for an app to track your workouts? Then this might be just the right one for you! It almost doesn't matter what kind of sport you want to do. From martial arts, pole dancing, rowing or classic running. Depending on the sport, the duration, calories burned and your heart rate can be tracked (but this requires accessories like a fitness tracker).

If you choose sports like running or cycling, you can also record the completed distance and your speeds at certain positions. The collected data of the completed workouts can be displayed in detail in a clear statistic afterwards and thus you can also track your successes.

The Adidas Runtastic app is especially suitable as a tracking app for moving sports like running or cycling, since you can collect a lot of data here. It is available for both iOS and Android and already offers a wide range of functions in its free scope of use. However, if you want to use the full scope of the app, you need a paid subscription. You can find it here for Android and here for iOS.

Strava: Run & Ride Training App

The Strava: Run & Ride Training app gives you the right way to track both your running workouts and your bike rides. An ongoing, continuous workout leaves traces. With the app, you can easily see exactly what they look like. Here you have an overview of your training success at all times. Share your successes with the community. For example, you can join regional groups or challenge yourself with challenges. That spurs you on! Not only you, but also others. Just like the adidas Runtastic Running app, Strava: Run & Ride Training offers the option to unlock additional features within the app through subscription options. For Android, you can find the app here, and for iOS, here.

Nike Training Club

With Nike Training Club, you can find workouts that are just right for your fitness and skill level. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, with or without equipment, Nike Training Club has a workout for everyone. The app includes 216 workouts, 120 of which can be done without equipment. All of this is free of charge. In addition, you can use the app to track your completed workouts in a history. The app is available for both iOS and Android. You can find it here.

Seven - 7 Minute Workout

7 minutes of workout a day - this time for a sustainable workout can definitely still be integrated into your daily routine. The workouts provided are based on scientific studies and are intended to achieve the greatest possible profit in the shortest possible time. A special advantage of the app's exercises is that you don't need any additional equipment. It's just you, your body weight and the app. You can set a training goal in the app and get closer to your goal every day. The app is very clearly designed and you can quickly find the right exercises for your workout. In the free version, you have to unlock new exercises by completing workouts. Like the other apps briefly presented so far, Seven - 7 Minutes Workout only offers the full range of functions in exchange for a subscription option. You can find the app for Android here and for iOS here.

BLACKROLL - Fascia & Fitness

With the app from BLACKROLL you can get your body in shape. Especially through self-massages as well as exercises adapted to various pain symptoms you do something good for your body. Unlike the other apps, you get the full functionality of the app for free. Well, almost. Because the BLACKROLL app is designed for the products developed and sold by BLACKROLL, such as fascia rolls or loop bands. They form the basis for the exercises available in the app. However, you can also perform the exercises with products from other manufacturers. Here you can download the app for both iOS and Android.


Couch to 5k

Going from zero to five kilometers or 30 minutes at a time in nine weeks sounds pretty ambitious, doesn't it? The podcast of the National Health System (NHS) in Great Britain supports you in achieving exactly this goal. In a total of nine weeks, you'll gradually increase your... For all couch potatoes, the podcast provides just the right motivation to start running. 


If you love exciting stories, but are fed up with thrillers, you can try this podcast. Because there are also plenty of exciting stories around the topics of training, sports or goal achievement. In this podcast, Ryan Flaherty, Senior Director of Performance at Nike, interviews various personalities who have a lot to tell about their work and their lives. The podcast is in English. It is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

The Fit Mind Theory

Do you want to know how to achieve your goals in the best possible way and, most importantly, in a sustainable way? Then The Fit Mind Theory by Keith Errington might be just the right podcast for you. He explains the strategies he has used to help over 100 people lead more active lives and successfully pursue their goals. Whether it will help you achieve your exercise goals too.... find out! The podcast is in English and you can listen to it on Spotify.

The Fitness Magazine

You don't have time to do active sports right now, but you still want to get in touch with the topic? The Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation's fitness magazine shows you how, when, where and with what you can best keep fit. Maybe you'll even discover a new sport for yourself and get direct tips on how to get started. The podcast is in German and you can find it on Spotify as well as Apple Podcasts.