Beach League











Beach League


What: Beach volleyball mixed doubles

When: Summer semester 25

1st league always on Tuesdays (start: 06.05.)

2nd league. always on Thursdays (start: 08.05.)

always from 17:30 to 22:00

6 match days and 1 final day

There is no beach league during the Whitsun week and on public holidays.

Buffer date for any canceled match days

Where: Beach court, LD campus

Registration fee

25€ per team

Please make sure that only one player registers on behalf of the whole team. Not all players of the team have to register.

Access authorizations

Employees and students at RPTU


Tournament organization

Maintenance of the beach area

Prizes for the winners

Competition rules

The corresponding competition regulations apply to all ZSGW competitions.

Image and sound recordings

And this is how it works

Every Tuesday and Thursday, 15 teams play for the championship in the 1st and 2nd Beach League.

Whether in the upper or lower house, great rallies and lots of fun are guaranteed. At the end of the beach league season, the best teams from Kaiserslautern and Landau will once again compete for the beach crown at RPTU in the Champions Cup.

Will your team dominate in the sand this year and bring home the victory? Or do you just want to play against new challengers? Whether you're a seasoned sandcorn counter or a beach newbie, everyone is in good hands here!

Do you have questions about the beach league? Feel free to send us an email at unisport-ld(at)

Game mode
  • There is space for a maximum of 30 mixed teams. 15 teams in the 1st league (Tuesdays) and 15 teams in the 2nd league (Thursdays).
  • A team consists of 2 players on the field. However, you can register a third person if you can already foresee that you will not be able to take part on all match days.
  • Two women can also play in a team, but at least one.
  • Students and employees at RPTU are eligible to participate.
  • Like last year, there will be a qualifying match day to determine which teams will compete in the 1st and which in the 2nd league.
  • After the qualification, the online registration and online payment for the two leagues will be activated.
  • There will be 6 match days + 1 final day, i.e. 7 match days in total. Please only register if you are sure you can attend all match days.
  • A match day lasts about 3-4 hours. From 18.00 o'clock onwards, the matches will be played.
  • You will probably play 2 games per match day, depending on the final mode.
  • One game will be played in best of 3 to 15 points.

You can register for the qualifying match day free of charge.

One player per team must register online via the registration system.

Registration for the 1st and 2nd Beach League is then subject to a fee.

Following the qualifying match day, you can then register for the 1st Beach League (Tuesdays) or 2nd Beach League (Thursdays). One player per team must also register online via the WebApp.

If places are available, registration without attending the qualifying match day is only possible in the 2nd league.

Champions Cup

After the final match day at both RPTU locations, the Champions Cup will be a duel between Landau and Kaiserslautern, in which the best teams from the two locations will meet and play out a champion. The two finalists of the respective beach leagues are automatically seeded for the Champions Cup.