There & away
From Kaiserslautern, take the S1, S2, RB6 or RE1 to all wineries via Neustadt an der Weinstraße Hauptbahnhof. The trains run at least every 15 minutes.
Paul Nickel & Söhne Weingut Kaiserstuhl - Neustadt an der Weinstraße
Once you arrive at the train station in Neustadt, you are almost at your destination. From here, it's just a 20-minute walk to the winery. Use Google Maps to navigate to the address given:
Weinstraße 45,
67434 Neustadt an der Weinstraße
Google Maps - Kaiserstuhl Winery
Wegner Winery - Bad Dürkheim
Once you arrive at the train station in Neustadt, take the RB 45 to Bad Dürkheim station (every 30 minutes). From here it is only a 10-minute walk to the Wegner winery. In total, it will take you just over an hour to get to the winery.
Again, it is best to navigate to the address given using Google Maps:
Am Neuberg 4,
67098 Bad Dürkheim
Google Maps - Wegner Winery
Dr. Bürklin-Wolf Winery - Wachenheim
Again, take the RB45 from Neustadt station in the direction of Grünstadt to Wachenheim station. From here it is only a 10-minute walk. It will take you about 55 minutes to reach the winery.
Again, the best way to navigate to the address is via Google Maps:
Ringstraße 4,
67157 Wachenheim an der Weinstraße
Google Maps - Winery Dr. Bürklin-Wolf
Wine tasting is worthwhile at any time of year. There is particularly much to see in the vineyard from the beginning of August, when the grapes are almost ripe for harvesting. During the harvest, which can start as early as the end of August depending on the previous summer, it is sometimes difficult to get appointments for tastings, as every helping hand is needed, especially in smaller wineries.