What exactly is gambling addiction?
Gambling addiction is a disease in which people experience a compulsive desire to gamble, despite the negative effects on their lives. It is characterized by recurring gambling behavior that impairs the person's control over their actions (Möll, 2021).
How many people unfortunately suffer from a worrying amount of gambling in Germany and worldwide?
- Germany 2021: 1.3 million people between the ages of 18 and 70 (Federal Ministry of Health, 2024)
- Worldwide: between 1.2 and 6% of the population is addicted to gambling (QuitGamble, 2024)
What are the negative consequences of excessive gambling?
The negative consequences of excessive gambling include loss of employment, financial problems, disruption of family relationships, social isolation, depression and even suicide attempts (Möll, 2021).
What can I do about it or how can I stop?
To tackle or stop gambling, those affected can seek professional help, such as outpatient or inpatient therapy. It also requires the will to change and the realization that there is a problem (Möll, 2021).
Are there help centers or offers of help and how do I behave as a relative of an addicted person?
In Germany, there are help centers and services for gambling addicts, such as outpatient and inpatient therapies as well as prevention services. As a relative of someone with an addiction, it is important to provide support, seek advice and, if necessary, seek professional help together (Möll, 2021).
Are there also positive aspects to gambling and why do people gamble?
Despite the negative effects, there are also positive aspects that motivate people to gamble, such as the hope of winning, the thrill and excitement of the game and social aspects such as playing together with others (Möll, 2021).
Federal Ministry of Health (2024, January 05.). Gambling addiction.https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/service/begriffe-von-a-z/g/gluecksspielsucht#:~:text=Fast%2030%20Prozent%20der%20Bevölkerung,(Gambling%2DSurvey%202021).
Möll, G. (2021). You don't gamble with money! (1st ed.). transcript.
QuitGamble (2024). Statistics And Facts On Gambling Addiction 2024. https://quitgamble.com/statistiken-und-fakten-zur-spielsucht/#:~:text=Globale%20Statistiken%20zur%20Spielsucht,-Glücksspiel%20ist%20ein&text=Weltweit%20sind%20zwischen%201%2C2,%2C0%25%20der%20Bevölkerung%20spielsüchtig.