Exam-related challenges can arise during exam preparation (problems with learning and time management, exam stress, etc.), during the exam (exam anxiety, blockages) or when dealing with failed exams (exam regulations, study organization). Here you will find an overview of how to find the right contact point and support for your concerns
For mental and emotional problems
Take a look at ourtopic area forpsychosocial support
For exam anxiety
Have a look here
Strengthening interdisciplinary and methodological skills
- Individual coaching during your studies at ZIDiS
- ZIDiS workshops and online offers(Studysnacks "Confidently dealing with exam stress and exam anxiety",Diemersteiner self-learning days event series, eDSL online courses)
- Health special : Exam anxiety from CampusPlus
- Series of events: Stress-free with yoga from CampusPlus
- University Library at RPTU: Individual advice on library work: "Ask us" online form, Book a librarian
- Self-coaching tool from the Competence Center for Studies and Careers (KSB) for study doubts
- KSBkey competence courses (e.g. self-organization, learning and working techniques, job application training)
Individual advice from students
- Online forum lern-BAR (student peer coaches as advisors)
- AStA Kaiserslautern and AStA Landau
- Student councils
- MHFA in the student councils (psychosocial support and always a sympathetic ear)
Organizational, examination law and subject-related matters
- Individual advice on organizational issues: Student Service Center (SSC) in KL and LD
- Legal advice from the Studierendenwerk Kaiserslautern
- Questions about examinations can also be directed to the Examinations Office (HPA) in Landau
- Asta-Referat Studium and Fachschaften in Landau are also available to answer your questions
- Individual advice from the study managers of the individual departments (it is best to contact your respective student council)
- Here you will also find a collection of valuable information (e.g. examination regulations, registration period for examinations, information on compensation for disadvantages, etc.) and further links.