Help with discrimination and sexualized violence














Help with discrimination and sexualized violence

If you have experienced discrimination, violence or sexual harassment at RPTU yourself or have become aware of an incident, please contact the equal opportunities officers at RPTU directly. There are further contact persons and support available at the respective locations.

      Do not hesitate to seek help.
      We encourage you to contact the above-mentioned offices in the event of any incidents that affect your Wellbeing. Your concerns will be treated confidentially. Together we can ensure that the RPTU remains a safe and respectful place for everyone.


      Nationwide help hotlines:

      Help hotline "Violence against women"
      116 016

      Women who are threatened or affected by violence can call the free nationwide hotline. This hotline is available around the clock, 365 days a year.

      Help hotline "Violence against men"
      0800 1239900

      Men who have experienced violence or are being threatened can call this number Mon.-Thurs. from 8 am to 8 pm and Fri. from 8 am to 3 pm.

      Kaiserslautern location:

      Landau location: