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Yoga 2: In this course, the asanas are fluidly linked together and increasingly harmonized with deep yoga breathing. The focus is less on relaxation. The aim is rather to strengthen the body, concentration and coordination and to become more relaxed.

Easy-Yoga-Flow is similar to a Yoga I class in terms of the exercises and also incorporates elements from spinal gymnastics and Pilates. However, instead of practicing exercise after exercise one after the other, the movements here are fluidly linked together and this flow of movement is frequently repeated to atmospheric music. This creates a wonderfully holistic training effect - the mind can increasingly switch off and while time flies by, body awareness and perception are intensively trained.

Power yoga flow: This involves flowing connections between the asanas, which leads to more complex movement sequences and greater exertion. This allows you to really work out and still feel good. Your yoga level is not decisive here. The yogic benefit will always be greater if you develop a solid foundation in the Yoga I-II courses. In Power Yoga Flow, however, less complicated asanas are practiced than a full-body workout in a mindful way that still leaves room for coming to rest and relaxing.

Yin yoga provides a counterpoint to all other forms of active training and also simply to our everyday lives. The exercises in this yoga class are performed passively, i.e. without force, so that the fasciae and deep muscles are reached. The flow of energy in the body is stimulated and balanced. Mobility is improved and pain is counteracted. Small meditations and breathing exercises round off this calm yoga practice.

Tradition Vidya: Here you will learn the Yoga Vidya series. A sequence of 12 classic yoga asanas with variations for beginners and advanced practitioners, as well as relaxation, breathing and concentration exercises. Do not eat anything heavy 1-2 hours before the yoga class, bring warm socks and a blanket if necessary.

Hatha Yoga: In this course, physical exercises (asanas) are combined with breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation exercises. The focus is on refining body awareness, developing inner balance and opportunities for regeneration and relaxation. The course offers impulses and experience opportunities for yoga beginners and advanced practitioners.

Pranayama: In the practice of pranayama, the senses are concentrated on the breathing process in order to make the mostly unconscious breathing conscious and to control it (ayama = expansion, spreading, distribution). Of all the vital bodily functions, the breath is the only one that can be influenced at will: Depending on what the pranayama practice is intended to achieve - activation, calming, balancing - targeted breathing exercises are used to consciously influence the body and mind in a positive way. Thanks to the growing popularity of yoga in our western world, the breathing knowledge of pranayama is now being used more and more in areas such as respiratory therapy, competitive sports or in relaxation and health courses.


The levels of the courses are not so much based on whether you already "know" something or not. It's not about easy or difficult, but about whether your body has already internalized the basic alignment that enables you to perform more complex movements cleanly, healthily and with a sense of well-being. So don't be afraid to try out every level. There is no such thing as "too easy" in yoga. There is always something to do. Nor is it "too difficult" if you listen to your body and independently reduce variations and take breaks. In all cases, the journey is the goal. The focus is not on achieving some crazy final exercise, which is what you see in all the media, but on constantly engaging with yourself. And so yoga will probably be just right for you, especially when you think you "can't" do it.


Mon, 09:00 h Yoga Vidya with Susanne
Mon, 20:10 h Yin Yoga with Isabell
Tue, 16:00 h Yoga I with Mechtild
Tue, 17:00 h Yoga II with Andrea
Wed, 08:00 am Yoga II with Andrea
Wed, 09:00 am Pranayama with Andrea
Wed, 10:30 am Yoga Vidya with Susanne
Thu, 16:30 pm Yoga I with Lina
Thu, 17:30pm Power Yoga Flow with Lina

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