Christmas Magic














Christmas magic

The Christmas Magic at UNISPORT is back - in its second edition, the small RPTU Christmas market on the grounds of UNISPORT in Kaiserslautern promises even more steaming cups of mulled wine, sweet treats and a few pre-Christmas surprises.


Program 2023

The UNISPORT barbecue area in KL will once again be transformed into a winter Christmas village this year. Between twinkling lights and festively decorated stands, we will usher in the pre-Christmas season together with delicious treats, small gifts, warm fireplaces, hands-on activities and much more!


The well-being is taken care of by sweet and savory food and drinks. The Christmas offerings include herb baguettes, soups and crêpes as well as mulled wine, punch and hot chocolate - and much more.

The supporting program also includes lots of pre-Christmas activities: you can take polaroid photos to take home at the photo booth, and you can also paint your own Christmas mug and use it for your next mulled wine or punch.


Of course, one thing must not be missing: the Secret Santa station according to the motto: give and take! And this is how it works:

  1. Bring a small gift to the Christmas Magic and hand it in at the Secret Santa station by 18:45 at the latest. You will receive a number as proof of your gift turned in.
  2. From 19:00 you can pick up a new gift at the Secret Santa station stand in exchange for the number you received.
  3. Unpack and enjoy!

Please note the following points for your Secret Santa gift:

  • Value: maximum 8€
  • No defective items (no junk gifts)
  • Food only in its original packaging and with a valid best-before date. Unfortunately, no homemade food can be given away.
  • no gifts containing alcohol or other things that are not suitable for children


We look forward to your visit!

Aftermovie: Christmas Magic 2023


When: 28.11.2023, 17.00-22.00

Where: UNISPORT Kaiserslautern, grill hut


Sarah Greiner

Mail:  sarah.greiner(at)

Tel: (0631) 205-2935

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Please note: in the event of bad weather, e.g. storms or heavy rainfall, the event may be canceled or interrupted at short notice.

An event organized by the Centre for Sport, Health and Wellbeing in collaboration with RPTU student councils.