Sport program: Roundnet

THE trend game of the last few years! The lively and action-packed sport of roundnet (also known as spikeball) is a team sport from the group of rebound games in which two teams of two players each stand around a round, stretched net. Each team tries to hit the ball onto the net so skillfully that the opponents make a mistake. All skill levels are welcome.


Ability level: for everyone

Campus: Landau

Bookable from: 22.07.24 08:00

Bookable until: 18.10.24 22:00

Lower age limit: 18

Upper age limit:

Allowed genders:
  • Male
  • Female
  • Other
Accepted status groups:
  • Student
  • Employee

Booked: 2/50

Available places: 48/50


Next date:

Start End Place Instructors
18.09.2024 18:00 18.09.2024 19:30
  • Fabian Kempf
  • Malte Prietz

All dates...

Start End Place Instructors
18.09.2024 18:00 18.09.2024 19:30
  • Fabian Kempf
  • Malte Prietz
25.09.2024 18:00 25.09.2024 19:30
  • Fabian Kempf
  • Malte Prietz
02.10.2024 18:00 02.10.2024 19:30
  • Fabian Kempf
  • Malte Prietz
09.10.2024 18:00 09.10.2024 19:30
  • Fabian Kempf
  • Malte Prietz
16.10.2024 18:00 16.10.2024 19:30
  • Fabian Kempf
  • Malte Prietz
Needed cards:
  • SportsCard Landau
