Sport program: WenDo - self-defense & self-assertion for FLINTA*

Registration: In order to ensure a safe space for participants, registration is only possible within the first two weeks after the start of the course. The course place is then secured for the entire duration of the course. Asserting yourself and defending yourself; this is what is meant by self-defense and self-assertion and is generally about boundaries. How do we deal with them? Do we know them well enough? And what happens if they are crossed? We approach these questions together through a good mix of practical and theoretical elements and an intersectional-feminist lens. Among other things, it's about bodies, perception and assertiveness, but also about our experiences and solidarity with each other and about the structural levels of violence that FLINTA* are exposed to in this society. The principle is: everyone can defend themselves, we will find out how. Therefore, all FLINTA* people are welcome, regardless of “level” or other characteristics. All you need to bring is movement-friendly clothing that you feel comfortable in. Note: There is potentially triggering or retraumatizing content in this course. Contact persons will be on site and part of the course concept.


Ability level: for everyone

Campus: Landau

Bookable from : 01.02.25 08:00

Bookable until : 20.02.25 20:00

Lower age limit: 16

Upper age limit:

Allowed genders:
  • Male
  • Female
  • Other
Accepted status groups:
  • Student
  • Employee
  • Employee of the ZSGW

Booked: 19/15

Available places: 0/15


Next date:

Start End Place Instructors
27.02.2025 19:00 27.02.2025 21:00
  • Ellie

All dates...

Start End Place Instructors
27.02.2025 19:00 27.02.2025 21:00
  • Ellie
06.03.2025 19:00 06.03.2025 21:00
  • Ellie
13.03.2025 19:00 13.03.2025 21:00
  • Ellie
20.03.2025 19:00 20.03.2025 21:00
  • Ellie
27.03.2025 19:00 27.03.2025 21:00
  • Ellie
03.04.2025 19:00 03.04.2025 21:00
  • Ellie
10.04.2025 19:00 10.04.2025 21:00
  • Ellie
Needed cards:
  • SportsCard Landau