Sport program: Step Aerobic

Would you like to put your rhythmic skills to the test and do some sport at the same time? Then this is the right course for you. We look forward to seeing you!


Ability level: [course.level.0]

Campus: Landau

Bookable from : 05.12.24 08:00

Bookable until : 23.01.25 18:00

Lower age limit: 16

Upper age limit:

Allowed genders:
  • Male
  • Female
  • Other
Accepted status groups:
  • Student
  • Employee

Booked: 15/25

Available places: 10/25


Next date:

Start End Place Instructors
09.01.2025 17:00 09.01.2025 18:00
  • Sina

All dates...

Start End Place Instructors
09.01.2025 17:00 09.01.2025 18:00
  • Sina
16.01.2025 17:00 16.01.2025 18:00
  • Sina
23.01.2025 17:00 23.01.2025 18:00
  • Sina
Needed cards:
  • SportsCard Landau
