Dietary rules














Dietary rules

Even though nutrition is very individual in many respects, as it depends on many factors such as gender, age or activity level, there are nevertheless some nutritional guidelines that can be followed. In Germany, there is the German Society for Nutrition, which uses ten rules to show how nutrition should be designed to promote health. They are a good and important basis for orientation and can give you a first clue.


Dietary rules

1. enjoy food diversity: eat a varied diet, eat mostly plant-based.

2. vegetables and fruits - have 5 a day: at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits a day; this includes legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans, unsalted nuts).

3. choose whole grains: with bread, pasta, rice, flour, choose the whole grain variety.

4. supplement the selection with animal foods: Milk and dairy products daily, fish once or twice a week, if meat, then only 300 to 600 g/week.

5. use healthy fats: vegetable oils, e.g. rapeseed oil. Avoid hidden fats in processed foods (sausage, pastries, confectionery, fast food, convenience foods).

6. save sugar and salt: avoid sugar-sweetened foods and beverages, use sugar sparingly, save salt and reduce the proportion of high-salt foods, season creatively with herbs and spices.

7. drink water: drink 1.5 liters/day (water or unsweetened tea), sugar-sweetened and alcoholic beverages not recommended.

8. prepare food gently: Cook food as long as necessary and as short as possible, with little water and little fat, avoid burning food.

9. eat mindfully and enjoy: pause for meals and take your time eating.

10. watch your weight and keep moving: active daily life (bicycle, walking) and regular sports.